The Opposite of God

Excerpt: “It is remarkable that humans can believe with the strength of perception and experience that which is completely false, the geocentric model of the universe being a prime example, which persisted in human experience for millennia, and presages the birth from sense to Soul, where the false sense of individuality is sublimated into the True.”

The common view is that material sense and the body represent Reality, but this view loses sight of the Source of all Being reducing it from infinity to limitation.

This (supposed) loss of an integrating Principle gives rise to the absurd proposition that the organization of appearances results from non-intelligence, or random chaos, thus, in one’s experience, annulling wisdom.

OK then, so what is Truth?

Holy scripture relates that God is a “still, small, voice” – could this be perhaps, that gross human, mortal thought tends to elevate self interest and overwhelm the word of wisdom? We think “yes.”

Be still and know that I am God does not mean that the finite is infinite, but that incessant reasoning from observed sense perception to remembered sense perception traps human thought in an endless loop which is escaped through inner silence.

Jesus (widely misunderstood and misapprehended when viewed solely through the lens of human perception as miraculous rather than exemplary) spoke of the Comforter and was titled “Christ.” What is Christ – the white light brighter than the sun that blinded Saul soon to become Paul on the road to Damascus? It is the facility whereby one reflects, expresses, and knows Deity, the divine, the impartation to man that is the light of the world, the light of understanding that illumines all with eternal (as opposed to mortal) Life, actuality, Reality.

It is remarkable that humans can believe with the strength of perception and experience that which is completely false, the geocentric model of the universe being a prime example, which persisted in human experience for millennia, and presages the birth from sense to Soul, where the false sense of individuality is sublimated into the True.

In mechanical engineering, what is it to “true” an assembly? It is to remove deviation, such that for example in a rotating assembly, vibration, or imbalance is minimized or removed entirely, that is to say, perfected.

“Be Ye therefore perfect.”


It has been cleverly pointed out that the Devil’s greatest trick was to persuade humanity that he doesn’t exist, yet in actual fact, its only reality so-called, is the temptation to accept and believe, to recognize as true that which is false.

The only reality of deviltry is the focus on a limited self to the exclusion of All, which cannot be excluded in Reality but only in imagination.

And now re-read the first sentence, at the beginning herein. 


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Sub Atomic Physics and Daily Life – A Practical Guide

Sub Atomic Physics and Daily Life – A Practical Guide

The implications of modern physics can seem puzzling because the phenomena they observe are far removed from your daily experience. The joy of Science is that it’s a window into reality that irrevocably alters our perception of life in ways that often have far reaching significance.

The heart of modern subatomic or theoretical physics apart from fermions and pions is that the mathematical constructs used to describe reality, illuminate a non physical realm as the foundation of all that exists, as matter melts into probability waves in the mind of the observer.

Here’s an interesting parallel. In the Bible, St. Paul remarks that things which are seen are made of things which do not appear. Here again, the idea of something solid behind and beneath the seeming solidity we perceive – isn’t solid at all.

Let’s hasten to add, this in no way diminishes substantiality, it only means Reality is not finite.

What actually holds up the moon? Surely it’s heavier than a large shovel full of dirt, and the answer is not an invisible string. We know the earth revolves around the sun, but why doesn’t it feel that way when we see the sunrise?

There’s an extraordinary way of answering questions that seem incomprehensible. Alan Watts posed the idea that if a question persists in being unanswerable, it may be the wrong question. Once you have the right question, there is an aspect of your Mind often overlooked that you can access directly.

In its simplest use for example, Thomas A. Edison would take catnaps and ideas would come to him. We’ve all experienced a “Eureka” epiphany when conscious thought had been stymied. We can access this faculty directly with guidance.

Often, in early childhood, our minds are trained to be incessantly in action. In Eastern thought, the mind is likened to a monkey constantly jumping from one branch to another. Meditation occurs when the mind is still. It’s like finding the “off” switch for random thought.

Christmas Humphreys authored a book called Concentration, Contemplation, Meditation and this progression in the title provides a useful framework to understanding the progressively deeper thought that leads to the meditative state where previously unseen aspects are revealed, and we probe beneath labels to direct knowledge and the heart of Reality.

For more detailed information go to and search for “How do I find inner peace?” to find my electronic book which you can purchase or borrow.

Daniel Dreifus On How I Find Inner Poise

Daniel Dreifus On How I Find Inner Poise

Inner peace is not a philosophy or an idea or a set of beliefs, it’s the thing itself.

Imagine, (this occurred to me this morning, see if it makes sense to you), imagine you’re a bowl of water and you’re shaking it, you know, so the surface is agitated, in turmoil. What you’d like to know perhaps how to do, is to be able to allow it to be still, to regain, rediscover, that tranquility which is innate, to that bowl of water, and indeed to your own identity.

Often we’re tossed so much with – I probably don’t have to tell you, right? Politics, the economy, relationships, finance, children, you know, the list is endless.

What you discover is that by learning to be aware of that peacefulness which is present within and around you, you develop – what word shall I use? A greater insight and perspicacity. A greater ability, a greater depth, a greater humanity, you become more of who you are, and you’re able to give more of yourself as a result, so that all, all of these areas are improved.

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Inner Peace – How To Find Tranquility

Inner Peace – How To Find Tranquility

You need to meet certain prerequisites to find inner peace.

  • You Have To Be Open Minded Enough To Discover Something New
  • You Have To Dedicate Some Time Learning To Experience Something New

The book title and headings are not just words. It all comes down to this, you are receiving direct instruction in techniques and ideas that guide you in discovering, experiencing, knowing the truth of your being. Just skimming over the words without implementing the methods, absorbing and realizing their significance and presence, robs you of the sublime understanding.

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