Spiritual Structure of the Universe
To understand the spiritual structure of the universe, you need to begin with an inquiring and unprejudiced perspective. This is the basis of the scientific method where investigation overcomes belief held for centuries.
Consider this example. The other day, carrying Arrowhead 2.5 gallon distilled water bottles from the car during rainy weather I wondered how water is held up in the sky. It is clearly heavier than air, and the two and one half gallon containers are a lot heavier than air, yet considerably more than a couple of gallons falls during rains.
The next morning my question was answered. I drove through a tranquil valley where the mountain tops on the far side were hidden in clouds. Rain clouds are like fog with moisture sufficiently fine to hover in the atmosphere like dust. The phenomenon is subtle. When water in liquid form evaporates it is as much a gas in the form of water vapor, as is nitrogen or oxygen. Nitrogen and oxygen also liquify under the right conditions of temperature and pressure, but it is far easier for us to observe water condensing under common circumstances, and this gradual migration from liquid to gas and back to liquid again is a subtle dance which becomes mysterious only when we miss the subtlety.
Ever wonder how oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange in the lungs? How can you inhale oxygen and at the very same time be exhaling carbon dioxide? There must be an overlap, right? In other words, both are happening together, but how can that be? How can you be taking in oxygen while at the exact same time releasing carbon dioxide? What is the mechanism of this exchange? It’s got to be one or the other but not both, right? Not so. Continue reading